Welcome to the sequel to my semi-popular post "Things Baseball Fans Need To Stop Doing" because let's face it, there are too many annoying things that fans do and it can't be contained in just one blog entry.
1. Wearing the wrong team attire at a game. If you're going to attend a baseball game, whether you're rooting for the home team or the visiting team, wear the right attire. It looks incredibly stupid to wear a an Angels hat to a Red Sox vs. Yankees game. It doesn't matter if you're an Angels fan - if they're not playing at the game you're at, what's the point of wearing the hat? If you're at the game because you were invited, understandable - but don't wear a hat (or jersey) of a team that's not playing. If you hate both teams, just wear regular clothes.
2. Being arrogant. I don't care if you've been a fan your whole life or a fan for only a couple of years - a fan is a fan. I've been watching/following baseball since I was 5. 20+ years of watching games, tracking stats, ect. For as long as I've followed the game, I will never be arrogant to think that I know everything or look down on a fan who's only been following for a few years. Baseball fans need to stop looking down on fans who have less experience with the game. If someone's a new fan with a genuine interest/love for the game, you should welcome them to the greatest sport on the planet.
3. Fan bashing at games. Not every fan that's at the ballpark is rooting for the home team. That doesn't mean they deserve to be verbally unfortunately sometimes physically assaulted for that. They're there to enjoy a game, just like you. Who cares if they're wearing a hat or jersey of the opposing team? If I'm at AT&T and I see a Dodgers fan, I'll say some jokes here and there but I'm not going to spend the entire game harassing them. In my mind, they're a fan that doesn't get to see their favorite team unless they come to the city they live in. They're there to enjoy the game and they have the right to. You can still have from friendly banter during the game, but be respectful.
4. Cleat Chasers. You give female fans (who actually care about the game) a bad name. You wanna sleep with baseball players, that's your business but get i under control. No one wants to hear it. Your desires are like needles - don't share them.
5. Not knowing when your team is playing. We all have busy schedules, jobs, obligations, commitments, ect. but thanks to MLB.com and baseball apps, there is no excuse for tweets like "Did the A's win today?" when it's an off day. If you're a fan, you should know when you're team is playing. I can't count how many times I've seen "#LetsGoOakland" or "#BeatTheSox" on Twitter when neither team is playing that day. There are plenty of free apps to have on your phone and/or iPad (or iPod) to keep you up to date with team schedules - use them.
Thanks For Reading,